Katajanmarja Fit in Finnish & Great in German

About me


Since 2004: working as freelance translator, editor, proofreader, book producer, and speaker, mainly for the languages Finnish <-> German. Freelancing for editorial jobs at various publishing houses and editorial offices at and near Cologne, Germany.

2005–2015: working as freelance editor for the check-up of prepress phases and text revision, and occasionally as sick leave cover and holiday replacement at the department of foreign languages of the publishing company VEMAG, Cologne.

2011–2013: working as freelance translator of political articles and analyses of current events in the Middle East from English (and French) into German for the website of Audiatur-Stiftung, Zurich.


Freelance collaboration as editor, proofreader and translator (EN-DE) at Schneider, Lektorat und Herstellung and RST, Cologne

Freelance collaboration as project manager and editor at LUND Verlag, Cologne

Freelance collaboration as editor for the check-up of prepress phases and the correction of texts and also as translator into Finnish at Tandem Verlag, Königswinter

Student assistant as proofreader for German texts at the typesetting office quick text, Cologne

Full time internship of three months in 2000 and a intense collaboration of several years with the foreign language department for Scandinavian languages of the non-fiction publishing house Könemann, Cologne, allowed for the acquisition of extensive experience in project management and in the customary field of work of an editor as well as the independent implementation these skills.

Since 1997
Experienced in the publishing and translation sector, initially as proofreader for Finnish non-fictional texts (mainly cookbooks)


January 2004
Magistra Artium, Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne)

Study of Fennistics and attendance at the study programmes Scandinavian Studies and Northern Cultures and Societies (in English) as holder of a CIMO-scholarship at Oulun yliopisto (University of Oulu), Finland

Studies of Scandinavian philology, Fennistics and Indo-European linguistics at Universität zu Köln

Native languages: German and Finnish, accent-free and fluent in speech and writing
Working languages: German, Finnish, English, French, Spanish, Norwegian (Bokmål)